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While a few interruptions can be fine, an excessive number of interruptions can have a negative impact.

There are many types of interruptions in human conversations. Some interruptions can be helpful, for instance, affirmations that you are following and understanding the other speaker or helping them finish a thought they are struggling with.

However, when interruptions occur too frequently (on a per minute basis) and are long-lasting, the other end of the conversation may feel that they are not being listened to or understood. This can have a negative impact on the call experience and prolong the call.

Based on research, we find reason to pay attention to the level of interruptions when they occur more than once per 45 seconds, but it may vary by professional and cultural context. If you find that this threshold is inaccurate it is easy to adjust in the app settings.

What you can do

If you receive a notification about excessive interruptions, consider letting the other speaker finish their sentences. This will help you to be a good active listener and may improve the experience for the other end of the call.




Long pauses on a call can be awkward and lead to a reduced call experience and longer calls.

Conversations are typically very dynamic with a lot of back and forth in the dialogue. There are typically small pauses in the conversation, but normally they last less than one second. Whenever the pauses in the conversation extend beyond one second, they can be unpleasant and when they extend beyond 4 seconds, they can be downright awkward. As a result, Engage+ gives a long pause reminder when there has been silence for more than 4 seconds.

What you can do

Whenever a long pause reminder appears, consider breaking the silence if possible. If you are preoccupied, for instance, with looking up information, advise the other end of the conversation that a small break in the conversation will happen and that you will be back shortly.







Microphone positioning is very important for audio quality. If the microphone is not directly in front of the mouth, your audio may sound distorted or not get through to the customer. This is especially the case if you are in an environment with high background noise. With incorrect microphone positioning, the headset may not optimally separate your voice from the noise of your surroundings.

Engage headsets are designed to be very robust in most scenarios where the microphone is incorrectly positioned. Yet, in these scenarios it can also be helpful to correct it.

What you can do

If you are alerted that your microphone is out of place, ensure that the microphone is moved so it sits directly in front of your mouth. This will improve audio quality – especially when there is loud background noise.




Background noise can affect call quality leading to a reduced conversation experience and up to 27% longer calls1

Background noise can be very destructive for call quality and for concentration/wellbeing. Studies show that poor audio quality negatively impacts the conversation experience and can can result in calls lasting up to 27% longer.2

Engage headsets are the world’s best at cancelling this noise, such that it is inaudible to the other end of the call. Therefore, in most situations where there may be concerns with background noise, you can take comfort in still delivering great audio quality. As long as background noise is below 55dBs the far end is unlikely to experience any reduction in call quality.

Engage+ notification when background noise is detected, but you can take comfort that the headset is taking care of it.

When background noise is very loud, it can impact the quality of your voice and even leak through to the far end of the call. We find that it is typically when background noise gets above 65dBs that audio quality issues start to occur.

What you can do

If you find that background noise is a challenge, you have a few options to improve the situation. For a quick fix, ensure your microphone is positioned directly in front of your mouth – this will make your voice clearer and reduce the impact of background noise.

The ideal solution is to evaluate your workstation – are there opportunities to reduce the background noise in that situation? For instance, by asking people to lower their voices. If it is not possible to quiet your surroundings, consider working from another location if possible.

1 Poor Audio in the Contact Center: It Could be Costing More Than You Think - Telecom Reseller

2 Poor Audio in the Contact Center: It Could be Costing More Than You Think - Telecom Reseller